Rhabarber Kompott

Rhabarber Kompott


Frischen Rhabarber


Vanille Zucker

Prise Salz



Rhabarber in Fingerdicke Stücke schneiden

(nicht schälen, nur die Endstücke abschneiden)

unter fliessendem Wasser gut abspülen.

In einem – am besten Emailletopf – einige Esslöffel Zucker auflöse – also karamelisieren – vorsich darf nicht zu braun werden, dann die Thabarberstücke dazugeben unter unter ständigem rühren bei kleiner Hitze köcheln lassen.

Etwas abkühlen lassen und in Gläser abfüllen.

Viel Spass und lasst’s Euch schmecken.


3 Replies to “Rhabarber Kompott”

  1. it’s not possible than a chief writes a recipe without weight ah ah ! maybe you want to hide us something …

  2. [b]Yes, well, the great Chief of the kitchen has so his quirks.
    That is so pure with the weights to feel and taste.
    Unfortunately… I do it just as well as the great Escoffier. Who made also no quantities – incidentally, the Escoffier was the textbook in my apprenticeship as a duty! ….[/b]


  3. but i suppose than Escoffier showed his pupils the way to make and they can see with their eyes how cupss and spoons of flour and sugar …
    My mother has had the Escoffier book ,it seems than he has put weights , i look at it
    my grand mother said always THE sentence ( who exasperated me ) when i asked her “how much ? “…. ” you see” .
    Conclusion : now i have some of her recipes but my memory has forgot how much she put X or Y ! bravo the grandmother

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